JFK Assassination Material


2024 Interviews

2023 Interviews




New York Times Citation

Biden’s ‘Final’ Order on Kennedy Files Leaves Some Still Wanting More

The president has finished a review first mandated by law in 1992, and while a vast majority of papers related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy have been released, some remain redacted.

By Peter Baker

read article here…

Jeff Morley interviews Larry Schnapf about the presidential memos that postponed release of the remaining JFK assassination records and what we have learned from my lawsuit against the National Archives about how these decisions were made and about the behind the scenes negotiations that led to the postponements.

Larry Schnapf interview with KNX News Radio about President Biden Memo delaying release of JFK Assassination Records.



2022 Interviews

Mock Trial Oswald

On November 16 and 17 , the South Texas College of Law (STCL) in Houston hosted a two-day mock trial titled “State of Texas vs. Lee Harvey Oswald.” For the first time, this mock trial used 21-century technology and applied what has been learned from the Innocence Project and the 2009 National Academy of Science (NAS) report about forensic evidence to the JFK assassination.

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In November 2017, A two-day mock trial titled “State of Texas vs. Lee Harvey Oswald” was held at the South Texas College of Law-Houston. The mock trial was conducted before a representative jury pool and resulted in a hung jury. The defense was based in part on what has been learned from the Innocence Project, the 2004 report of the National Research Council relating to comparative lead bullet analysis and the 2009 National Academy of Sciences report on forensic evidence to re-evaluate the evidence used to conclude that Lee Oswald was the lone assassin. This powerpoint is an outline of the defense's evidentiary argument. Note that this presentation focused on the evidence used to link Lee Oswald to the assassination and does not address evidence for a second shooter.


Law student lecture on the JFK assassination

2017 CAPA mock trial at the South Houston College of Law

Judyth Baker JFK conference

Interviewing Alec Baldwin

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